work item Four
By admin

work item Four
Step out on to the path to your left. Where there is no change. Briefly imagine that you are not going to live and discover your unfulfilled dreams. Instead, you continue doing what you have in the past. What will life be like in 10 years time? Step out, every step you take you get older, days pass, weeks pass. Notice how your body is, how your mind is, how you feel about staying on this path.
Walk out into your future to the 10 year point. Walk out 10 years into your future and feel how it feels to carry on doing the same thing. This path is just like today, with one difference: you have 10 fewer years remaining in your life. I want you to think about how you will feel in 10 years if you continue doing the exact same things you have done to date. What will your daily life be like?
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Imagine reaching deep inside you for all the strength and wisdom that you need to make this decision today. As you do so, imagine that when you choose to make that decision that deep inside your mind you are switching off the alternative